Wireless Steadicam for Live Switched Studio Shoots

Teradek Bolt zero-latency HD-SDI transmitter sitting atop our Steadicam Rig. David is providing some fantastic moving shots for the National Capital Sports Show.
Our Teradek Bolt wireless transmission system works well for sending a zero-latency SDI signal from the Steadicam rig to the switcher on a live-switched studio shoot. Wireless intercoms complete the solution, allowing the Steadicam operator to operate free of any wires, which allows a great deal of freedom of movement. The range of the transmitter is 300 feet, so dropouts are never a problem in a standard-size studio.
From a technical standpoint, we will need to be able to patch into your switcher. We will also need a genlock reference source (composite video for SD shoots, and generally HD-Y for HD shoots, depending on the camera), and a patch into your intercom system.

Our Teradek Bolt receiver is mounted on a post high in the studio to ensure that there is always a clear path from the receiver. The HD-SDI signal is then routed to the switcher.

Here, the Steadicam shot is visible on the bottom row of inputs on the control screen. The director has the Steadicam shot in the preview window and is preparing to cue the Steadicam operator to make a circular move around the table.